last night's Tommy Shaw dream

Last night I had this intense dream about "capturing" Tommy Shaw, and I needed a gun to get him. -Oh I just realized-"Girls with Guns" ha ha... Anyway, I was with all these friends, who don't really exist, a Japanese girl, a couple Black girls, and some others I can't remember. The Japanese girl had a gun, and when she was gone, I somehow managed to snag it from her. But the gun was really awkward and I couldn't quite figure out how to hold it or keep it out of sight. Luckily, everyone kept missing it, and I was really excited. So I started making my way back to the house where Tommy was staying, which was my parents' house in Florida. I was walking down the road in the dark trying to hide, when my "friends" came driving up in this rickety chicken-coup style truck. When they saw me they got out and suggested I use this big cardboard box to get home, and proceeded to lift me into it. I was still trying to keep the gun out of sight, and they didn't see it. So they drove off and I made my way shifting and sliding the box along the street until I got to the house, upon which I snuck through the side fence and found a bush to hide the gun...I decided this was not a good spot, because in a certain light you could totally see it there. So I moved it to this part of the wall where it kind of melted into the cement and I thought, "perfect!"
When I went in to scope out what Tommy Shaw was doing, he was hanging out with my mom and sister, and there was a big pile of pants that I started to try on. "these are too big" I told them, and I took the pile upstairs. Right before I left the room, I gave Tommy Shaw a sheepish smirk saying, "oh well...forget it"..And then all was forgiven. I no longer wanted to capture Tommy Shaw with a gun. I started wondering why I needed the gun in the first place.
what does this mean??
Anjy, what an interesting dream...we have to discuss this later at rehearsal
On a side note....I was thinking that this may not be the best time to get in touch with the Styx guys about our site? I hope they don't ban us from a future know security issues..
I'm sure this dream will surely keep them away from us which is good.
Besides that boy cannot be following you around like that.
The gun was for protection in case you heard any bad drums in your house!
WOW! You are a bad boy!
Interesting mind, but I can promise
you this:
Miss 1/2 is in no way in love with Tommy Shaw! That would be funny.
I'm sure she can explain this further.
I will say this- ever since we've gotten together to start this madness, those boys have been unusually following us around in the most strangest ways.
Now you see, that pic is cool.
Too bad we can't do that for real.
I'd take the jumpsuits anyday!!!!
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