Tribute band better than band tributed

For anyone who's seen us play, you may have noticed a shortage of Tommy songs in our set. Rest assured this is not because we don't like them...The real reason we stay away from Tommy songs is that Styx still plays most of them, and we wouldn't want make Styx look bad. They try, but let's admit, they're no WNTDTYR.
Plus Anjy's prettier than Tommy :P
(Don't tell him I said that).
Get yer asses north of the border will ya - I got friends I need to show ya off to!!
Anjy IS prettier than Tommy and don't forget JC!
Think I should go blond again.???
Do you think you would sneak across the border to come see us in NY? We could even bust out some Tommy solo stuff?
We don't blame Canada.
Lemmie know when the date is
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