05 October 2006

We need a new look

I think this whole WNTDTYR thing needs an overhaul. We really should have a better website now that we're international video stars. Who would have thought that the whole internet video thing would explode right as we started making videos? I think we may be responsible, actually. When people caught wind of our vids, they all jumped on the bandwagon. Even Ok Go, I mean really.
So anyway, like I said, we need a major facelift. After all this blog and website were just thrown together in the heat of the moment, in Asia.


Blogger Earl of Rozland said...

What are you watching back there? "Alice"??
Well, 'Kiss My Grits'!!

Let's stay unconventional, we're stars, but we're still mysteryous!!
Let's not get too fancy!!!

NO! NO !! NO!!

October 25, 2006 2:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

we'll see what we can do

October 27, 2006 9:41 PM  

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