what not to do to your POLICE????

Since it's been awhile since anyone of us has talked about our dreams, I thought I'd share my recent one with you.
Since we all know the Police are getting back together it is also fitting to find out that they are huge Styx fans. So naturally I couldn't stop thinking about them & it lead up to this........
It all started when Sting called the guys up & said 'Let's back together', 'Cool', said Andy & Stewart baffled by this sudden change of heart..... They met up in NY, at a cooly studio & hung out, drinking, reminiscing & having a good old time when all of a sudden Sting says..."Let's play Styx songs...." 'OK' Andy & Stewart said all excitedly............
so they started playing 'Babe' & turns out it sounded amazing... but Sting wanted proof...... so he called of all people 'US! Yes, our little group, since Sting I met very briefly last year & Andy & I have known each other on & off for a while, Sting had Andy call me & ask me to bring my 'ladys over' & see if 'we were doing this right'..." , so 1/2 Anj, State Street, Suki Madame & moi all went down to show the Cops how to properly play Styx.....wild...!
So we're having fun watching the cops play Styx songs [Babe in particular sounded amazing sung by Sting & Andy nailed that solo, except poor Stewart was just no Johnny but he tried....] all night, drinking, reminiscing, partying. Sting's talking about how they was at the first Kilroy show & thought it was the best thing he'd ever seen in his life & he couldn't get out of his seat because he was in such awe that Andy & Stu had to carry him out....wild... he even said that he wanted to meet them but was too afraid too.....
.......then all of a sudden Sting loses it & go 'Well how do we sound?? & we're like 'Great it sounds amazing'?? Then he says: 'Well how does it sound'.... & I said "It sound like the Police playing Styx songs?? Then it hit me, why were they doing this?? Then all of a sudden Sting says 'Well cool now we could do it'. Anj's like 'Do what?' We're gonna do a Styx tribute at the Grammys!! & we're like 'Are you crazy?? Since when? & why? So Andy says "Well, they're expecting Police songs & since we have every award in the world & they don't, we thought we'd scare the crap outta them by doing a 15 minute Styx tribute so they can get in the Hall of Fame".. WHOA!!! Nice! Sick! WHAT?? Are you kidding? No way?? We were all in shock, but of course, happy that one of the biggest bands in the world were supporting the most underrated band in the world. State goes 'you 3 loons are going to play Styx at the Grammys? That's sick'.....
Stewart says: 'They'll never stop us, how are they going to find out'?????? [for those of you keeping score at home :Sting: Dennis/Tommy/Chuck; Andy: JY/JC; Stewart: John ! ].....
Grammy time : we're all waiting at home after partying with the Cops for 2 weeks playing Styx & Police songs & now they are daring to go on the Grammys & play a medley of : Too Much Time [Police style], Babe, Don't Let It End, Heavy Metal Poisoning, High Time, Music Time, Snowblind, Best of Times, Put Me On [our suggestion] & Haven't We Been Here B4.... [emphasis on Sting's Fav Kilroy Was Here....] then .......................
.........................I WOKE UP DAMMIT!!!!
so watch the beginning of the Grammys Feb. 11.....
[I wouldn't subject you to watch the whole thing]
you may be surprised....................