The Hard Rock Theme Park?!

Oh man.... I so am obsessed with the 70's that I dvr That 70's Show until it erases itself to make room for more episodes. But what really proves that I'm obsessed with the 70's is that I fantasize about creating a theme park about the 70's where there would be characters walking around dressed up like scuzzy dirt rockers and cheesey disco guys, and there would be all kinds of linoleum and things decorated in that awesome orange and green color scheme. Even the restrooms would have old faucets and old toilets. That would be so cool.
But these Hard Rock Cafe bastards have beat me to it, and I think they're gonna do a half-assed job of it. Now, the 70's of course has all the great music and that's enough material to make a great theme park right there... if done with love.
BUT...The "Signature Attraction" at this so-called Hard Rock Park, is a giant roller coaster (how original) named after Led Zeppelin. sigh. Ok first of all, Disney already has a "Rockin' Roller Coaster Featuring Aerosmith" where they play Aerosmith songs and "drive" you to their concert really fast...So Led Zeppelin-the ride, I'm sorry but it's a little, how can I say it, Britney 2007 vmas?
A Led Zeppelin ride should be some really heavy haunted mansion kind of thing, not a damn roller coaster set to Whole Lotta Love. Yeah I get it, adrenaline and loud music go together, I learned that when I rode the "Alpine" at the state fair.
And besides this totally uncreative and insulting (to me) attempt at a tribute to led Zeppelin, it appears that all the other rides are also roller coasters just with different genres of music playing. Can you say, clueless? Is Led Zeppelin the only band that deserves a crappy ride? What about Pink Floyd? Dark Side of the Moon could practically build its own ride if you gave it space and some hammers and nails. And what about Genesis? Peter Gabriel would totally come up with something better than a roller coaster that plays I Can't Dance.
Of course the one band that will definitely not get a ride is, you guessed it, our dear, dear Styx. And how cool would a STYX ride be??? I mean COME ON!!!
Dr Righteous, robotos, a theater, easter island... you name it, that would be some megacrazy shit!!!! In fact, screw a styx RIDE, we need a STYX WORLD! A whole freaking park that's completely devoted to Styx...all Styx all the time...sick!
That's it, I'm writing a letter to these idiots