Dr. Righteous here! As I return to serve my 2nd term of Presidency & world domination & thank you all for voting me in once again as the savior of this world, I see that not much has changed in this puny planet!! There seems to be a question of how the Members of my Majority 4 Musical Morality have treated our Robotos over the years!! For this I have felt the need to come forward & defend my actions against that I deem the barbaric treatment of certain robotos in this world.
I am of course speaking of this horrid inhumanity which needs to be dealt with accordingly called the Robot Combat League!! All started by a very interesting movie called Reel Steel, which depicted some very heartfelt Robotos more to my taste & of course, my Robotos taste [I can tell you from extreme knowledge that this was Mr. Roboto's personal favorite movie of all time & of course they looked great!!] This movie told the real story of what my Robotos went through & what I saved them from becoming. Yet because of this RCL atrocity, my Robotos including Mr. Roboto himself have gone into hiding & deprived themselves of the very thing that kept them going...Fried chicken!! [but this is only because we do really need to Save the Texas Prairie Chicken!! but that's another story!] until we have rid this country of this evil Robot Combat League & its more evil host, the extremely vile Chris Jericho, who if I ever get my hands on him....I will certainly turn his mind into mush!, although I'm sure it pretty much is by now!...Ugh!!!
1st of all my Robotos are not a fighting species! & they certainly are NOT appliances [as Mr. Craig Ferguson of late nite TV continues to call his gay Robot Skeleton companion Geoff Peterson on a daily basis but not before calling himself a Late Night Douche, so I guess for that we're even!!] !!They are free to walk on their own in this world wherever they choose of their own volition! I in no way have ever harboured them or caged them or denied them of their basic Roboto rights & take care of them the only way I know how...the Modren way!!. [& if you don't think I'm doing anything for this country except banning Rock'n'Roll then you're sadly mistaken! I have to be looking out for all Robotos rights!] They have always done what I have said & for that I am very proud of them!
2nd of all these so -called Robots have been forced to engage in combat & take all kinds of beatings, not to mention the fact that they are controlled & tied from their waist & their hands are manually moved by ruly humans who are then given 20 minutes to 'repair' them in case they get 'damaged'! They dress deplorably, almost naked practically, just completely having no dignity. I take pride in dressing my Robotos & giving them the best clothing possible. I will not have a naked Roboto roaming around. They do NOT battle with each other or my public by the way or ensue combat!!! We merely control people's minds which is completely more intelligent, quite easier, less messy & way cooler!
One poor Robot was reduced to pissing on himself after a savage beating by one called Crash, a ridiculous red spaghetti covered filled looking robot. After maybe 10 weeks of this madness which included the trashing of robots: A.X.E, Brinstone, Drone Strike, Game Over, Medieval, Robo Hammer [Mr. Roboto took personal offense at this one!] , Scorpio, Steampunk, Steel Cyclone & Thunder Skill.
3rd-ly All ridiculous names of whom none of them was ever referred to as Mr. [which I almost never call Mr. Roboto by his first name Stan! or any of them for that matter!] The only one who seemed genuine was one called Commander, yet he lost big time & the finale between Steampunk & Crash came down to who I was sure would be out in the 1st round, Crash wound up winning the whole thing. Completely pathetic!