what not to do to your coincidences.....
this year has certainly been very exciting for us......it's also been a very full of extremely strange & wonderfully weird coincidences........
1st of all.....we started out the year playing ridiculously old insane awesome Styx songs we never thought we'd do.....& playing pool & beating the crap outta each other....

then...2......this loon dude finally comes out with the supposed book about Styx....so we wait to see if we're in it & of course we're not....(what gives?!)
then.....3.....the police get back together & discover their real reason for reuniting...to become a styx tribute band
then...4.... shaw/blades decides to try to do Yes......so do we.....with a little help from a drugged out Dr. Righteous....
& and while hangin' round their bus the twins discover 'what has become' [ha ha!] of the legendary brian stanley.......when they decide to play a show a week after state street scotty's birthday....and all the while....richie cannata still plays a jam every monday in ny......do i feel a girls with guns reunion coming?.....then......5....... we become world famous again when the our youtube 'all good people' gets the seal of approval from TS himself.......
then.....6........we are demanded to be remanded to canada for a mega styx party.....
we hide away in a silvercup with queen to prepare for our for canada takeover... dr. righteous losing it.....then.....8.....the styx & stonez break like there really is a styx!...???????....just like the book.....just like the boys.......yes.... the letters keep coming....the fighting keeps going.......the doctors keep coming......
& bad drummers keep roaming........yet with all of it, we still caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy on...............
dr. righteous disappears and & decides to put in motion a highly detailed plan to take down those who try to bring styx & rock'n'roll back.......almost burning down EOR's apartment in the process........
then....10.....b4 dominating canada, the taureans go to see the MAN who would be King Roboto who gives us a much needed lift........coincidence???? i think not......
then.....11......we decide to call the other twin on the phone & tell him we're gonna sue him if he doesn't put us in his newly released book about his life & talk about what REALLY happened in 1977 [
as documented in the above 1977 rolling stone cover]....but of course.....it's all about the queen of spades.......but we digress.....some secret secret, hey?.........coincidence?????? i think not!!! deja vu??? maybe.....
then....12.....on our way to conquer canada....we run into a place called the 1/2 Penny Pub, so we decide to stop for drinks.......coincidence???? i think not!!!
then......13.......we proceed to take canada by storm & not only encounter a slammin' buffet but some seriously demented psychos like ourselves who all knew way too much..........
then...14...three little kiddies proceed to tell us what to do to our roboto.....one by hangin' with....JY....& the others by helping us protest heavy metal.......coincidence????????....i think not.....then.....15.......we proceed to take over mt. rushmore.......ok, not really a coincidence, but still noteworthy
then.....16......the twins & the other twin finally resolve things in good old ny & go hang out for a nice complete mani-pedi & make over.....just like we used to....coincidence????......i think not!!!.........
then.....17.......7-7-7 decides to stalk us profusely....worse than 6-6-6......not only does it remind us of G.I....., Live Earth, Old timer's day....bit King Roboto decides to play ny that same day, never letting us forget he took over our band ......AAAAAAHHHHHH!!
coincidence???? I think not!!!..........
then......18.......we break up for 2 weeks ......[we've done this every year since 1977 ] then we get back together to celebrate our 30 years together...... coincidence????? i think not......
then........19....... we plan more world domination as if we haven't dominated enough..... we want space!!!!!!...heaven?.....we already got hell...
then.........20.........of all things to happen....... of all the coincidences........it is out.......FINALLY!!!! CAUGHT IN THE ACT LIVE IS OUT!!!!!! ........on DVD.......& just in time for X-mas...........
now????? why??????
will we ever see that again.???? did you ever think you would see it again......do you think it could happen again???????? do you want it to happen again??????
think about it........ coincidence?????? like hell..........
so this is to prepare you for the good things in life......
& to thank all of you for your support in our take over....
on behalf of what not to do to your roboto:
1/2 anjy- 2-anjy, state street scotty, suki madame blue & earl of rozland.......

we wish you all a Merry Roboto Righteous Styxmas & a Kilroy New Year..........